Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Beady Eye

Leaving aside the indie stuff and steering ourselves back into the world of rock n roll, I see that Liam Gallagher's new band Beady Eye release their debut album in February of next year. Whatever your opinion of Oasis, this promises to be an interesting album at least out of curiosity, to see what kind of music an Oasis-without-Noel could make.

Debut single "Bring The Light" was an enjoyable romp, featuring some nice rock n' roll piano and (somewhat) unexpected female backing vocals; overall though the song was pretty much what one would expect from a group absolutely obsessed with the 60s and 70s. I can't imagine the album will throw up many surprises, but it'll be nice to hear Andy Bell (ex-Ride) back on lead guitar, having played bass in Oasis for the last ten years (which was a shameful waste of guitar talent IMO). And there's always a certain thrill in hearing Liam Gallagher attack a song with his rasp, even though his voice now is a pale imitation of what it used to be. And maybe there'll be something really good in there.

Oh I just thought I'd mention that one of the songs is called "Beatles and Stones". You read that right.

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