Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Daft Punk - Tron Soundtrack

Daft Punk. Tron. In 3D. How could it not work? Well it didn't - to a degree I suppose.

All about managing expectations, this one. This is not "the next Daft Punk" album, it is what it says on the cover - a soundtrack album (although having the word "Disney" in the same space as "Daft Punk" is a bit disconcerting). Now, in fairness, one would expect a soundtrack album made by Daft Punk, for TRON of all things, to be the coolest, danciest, crazy robotic sounding album ever - full of deep house beats, vocoders, resonant basslines, etc. All the things we expect from the French duo. And on "Derezzed", that's exactly what we get. But that's only one track. The rest is slow, ponderous, orchestral, and pretty generic-blockbuster sounding.

With a few exceptions of course - "The Son Of Flynn" sounds a bit like Air (funnily enough), "Armory" wouldn't sound out of place on the Terminator soundtrack, and "Adagio For Tron" is just a cool (and funny) name for a track. Not all bad then.

All in all though its a bit of a let down - although I'm sure it'll all sound great in the context of the movie (which I hope to see next week). But unlike the "Moon" soundtrack by Clint Mansell, this doesn't really stand up to repeated listens as an album on its own. Which its probably not supposed to. Anyway hats off to the guys for pushing it out a little bit and scoring a whole, proper soundtrack. But I'll be waiting for the next Daft Punk album.

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